Some Thoughts About Becoming a Dad

Well, I thought I should probably write a post about the new life that Erin & I are about to introduce into the universe. We're now about 3 days past Julien's original estimated debut of May 8th and it feels a little weird that we're no longer counting down the days.

It's a bit of a thrill to tell you the truth - I almost feel nervous about meeting this new little guy who will soon have an endless stream of wonders projected onto his senses. I almost feel nervous, but I think we've already started to get to know each other over the last few months by means of morse-code belly communications at times when Erin is not yet worken up. He would stretch out his legs when he felt the morning sun warming everything up and then I would send him an impulse in reply through Erin and on the bottom of his foot.

I'm looking forward to the stories I'll tell him - all about the people, places, and things around us and the stuff that we all have inside. All of the forces, real, invisible, and imaginary that exist in this place we all live and how the world changes in response to those forces. I hope he will love to hear about the things that we have yet to understand.

Sometimes I'm anxious, but right now I'm pretty relaxed about the whole thing almost as if I had all of the patience in the world. I'll keep posting when labor starts and give updates periodically.

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